Friday, November 18, 2011

Places of Worship

A place of worship - a building or other location where a group of people which is known as a congregation comes to preform acts of religious praise, honor, or devotion. It is sometimes called a sacred space.

- After climbing the steps of the Acropolis, you are at the entrance also known as the Propylaea
- Created by Mnesicles

The Parthenon:
- The architects were Ictinvus and Calicrates
- Constructed wit pantellic marble using the doric order

Hagia Sophia:
- Istanbul, Turkey
- Was a Orthodox patriarchal basilica and a mosque
- The church was dedicated to the Logos the second person of the Holy Trinity

Hagia Sophia

Temple Mount:
- Jerusalem, Israel
- Judiasm, Islam, Christianity, and Roman paganism has all been practiced here
- used as a religious site for thousands of years

 Temple Mount, the Noble Sanctuary
 Temple Mount, the Noble Sanctuary
Temple Mount, the Noble Sanctuary

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